Funding (Awarded by the cognizant Program Manager)
Total NSF funding to Jackson lab only (2010-2021): $2,554,339
Total NSF funding to Jackson lab and co-PIs (2010-2021): $5,691,824
12. Amount: $262,663 (UCSB)(Jackson lab award at UCSB); $1,127,665 (total grant award)
Title: “Collaborative Research: Interactions between the Tonga-Lau subduction system and the Samoan plume.” OCE-1928970.
Agency: NSF-OCE; Period: 10/01/20 to 9/31/24
Lead PI: Shawn Wei (Michigan State U.), Co-PIs: M. Jackson (UCSB), D. Weins (Washington U. St. Louis), Dave Stegman (Scripps Inst. Oceanography).
11. Amount: $264,874 (UCSB)(Jackson lab award at UCSB); $998,217 (total grant award)
Title: “Collaborative Research: Do improved absolute plate motion models based on Cretaceous Western Pacific seamounts relate Louisville to Ontong-Java?” OCE-1912931.
Agency: NSF-OCE; Period: 10/01/19-09/31/22
Lead-PI: J. Konter (U. Hawaii-Manoa), Co-PIs: M. Jackson (UCSB), A. Koppers (U. Oregon), P. Wessel (U. Hawaii-Manoa)
10. Amount: $98,714 (UCSB)(Jackson lab award at UCSB); $546,785 (total grant award)
Title: “Collaborative Research: Deciphering the LLSVP-plume relationship.” EAR-1900652.
Agency: NSF-EAR (CSEDI); Period: 05/01/19-04/30/22
Lead-PI: C. Lithgow-Bertelloni (UCLA), Co-PI: M. Jackson
9. Amount: $299,756 + $34,374 Supplement (UCSB) (Jackson lab award at UCSB);
Title: “Origin of highly heterogeneous strontium isotopic ratios in melt inclusions from oceanic hotspot lavas.”
Agency: NSF-OCE (Marine Geology & Geophysics); Period: 08/15/17 to 07/31/21.
Lead-PI: M. Jackson
8. Amount: $299,928 (UCSB) (Jackson lab award at UCSB)
Title: “Preservation of Hadean geochemical signatures in the Icelandic high 3He/4He mantle domain.” EAR-1624840
Agency: NSF-EAR (Petrology and Geochemistry); Period: 07/01/16 to 06/31/19
Lead-PI: M. Jackson
7. Amount: $524,244 (UCSB)
Title: “MRI: Acquisition of a Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometer (TIMS) for high-precision isotopic research of the Earth’s mantle, crust and oceans.” EAR-1429648
Agency: NSF-EAR (MRI); Period: 08/01/14 to 07/31/17
Lead-PI: M. Jackson, Co-PI’s: J. Cottle, B. Hacker, M. Rioux, S. Weldeab
6. Amount: $111,566 (Jackson lab award at UCSB); $206,590 (total grant award)
Title: “Collaborative Research: Using sulfur isotopes to identify subducted Archean crust in modern oceanic hotspot lavas.” EAR-1348082.
Agency: NSF-EAR; Period: 02/01/14 to 12/31/15
Lead-PI: M. Jackson, Co-PI: James Farquhar (U. Maryland College Park)
5. Amount: $37,702 (Jackson lab award at UCSB); $395,753 (total grant award)
Title: “Collaborative Research: The role of oxygen fugacity in calc-alkaline differentiation and the creation of continental crust at the Aleutian arc.” EAR-1347377.
Agency: NSF-OCE; Period: 08/01/14-07/31/17
Lead-PI: K. Kelley (URI), Co-PI's: L. Cottrell (Smithsonian), M. Jackson
4. Amount: $200,815 (Jackson lab award at Boston U.); $698,809 (total grant award)
Title: “Collaborative Research: Using the Rurutu hotspot to evaluate mantle motion and absolute plate motion models.”OCE-1153894
Agency: NSF-OCE (Marine Geology and Geophysics); Period: 07/01/12 – 06/30/14
Lead-PI: J. Konter (UH Manoa), Co-PI's: M. Jackson, A.A.P. Koppers (Oregon State University)
3. Amount: $199,703 (Jackson lab award at Boston U.)
Title: “Isotopic diversity in Mangaia melt inclusions: Mantle source or crustal assimilation?” EAR-1145202.
Agency: NSF-EAR (Petrology and Geochemistry); Period: 02/01/12-12/31/14
Lead-PI: M. Jackson
2. Amount: $220,000 (Jackson lab award at Boston U.)
Title: “Constraining mantle flow between Samoa and the northern Lau and N. Fiji Basins with geochemistry and geodynamics.” OCE-1061134
Agency: NSF-OCE (Marine Geology and Geophysics); Period: 01/01/11 - 3/31/14
Lead-PI: M. Jackson, Co-PI: P. Hall
1. Amount: $140,000 (award at Boston U.)
Title: “Facility Support: Phase Two of a NSF/Boston University partnership ensuring long-term technician support for the BU TIMS Facility (technician support).” EAR-0949390
Agency: NSF (Instrumentation and Facilities); Period: 06/01/10 - 05/31/12
Lead-PI: E. Baxter, Co-PI's: M. Jackson, A. Kurtz, R. Murray
Total NSF funding to Jackson lab only (2010-2021): $2,554,339
Total NSF funding to Jackson lab and co-PIs (2010-2021): $5,691,824
12. Amount: $262,663 (UCSB)(Jackson lab award at UCSB); $1,127,665 (total grant award)
Title: “Collaborative Research: Interactions between the Tonga-Lau subduction system and the Samoan plume.” OCE-1928970.
Agency: NSF-OCE; Period: 10/01/20 to 9/31/24
Lead PI: Shawn Wei (Michigan State U.), Co-PIs: M. Jackson (UCSB), D. Weins (Washington U. St. Louis), Dave Stegman (Scripps Inst. Oceanography).
11. Amount: $264,874 (UCSB)(Jackson lab award at UCSB); $998,217 (total grant award)
Title: “Collaborative Research: Do improved absolute plate motion models based on Cretaceous Western Pacific seamounts relate Louisville to Ontong-Java?” OCE-1912931.
Agency: NSF-OCE; Period: 10/01/19-09/31/22
Lead-PI: J. Konter (U. Hawaii-Manoa), Co-PIs: M. Jackson (UCSB), A. Koppers (U. Oregon), P. Wessel (U. Hawaii-Manoa)
10. Amount: $98,714 (UCSB)(Jackson lab award at UCSB); $546,785 (total grant award)
Title: “Collaborative Research: Deciphering the LLSVP-plume relationship.” EAR-1900652.
Agency: NSF-EAR (CSEDI); Period: 05/01/19-04/30/22
Lead-PI: C. Lithgow-Bertelloni (UCLA), Co-PI: M. Jackson
9. Amount: $299,756 + $34,374 Supplement (UCSB) (Jackson lab award at UCSB);
Title: “Origin of highly heterogeneous strontium isotopic ratios in melt inclusions from oceanic hotspot lavas.”
Agency: NSF-OCE (Marine Geology & Geophysics); Period: 08/15/17 to 07/31/21.
Lead-PI: M. Jackson
8. Amount: $299,928 (UCSB) (Jackson lab award at UCSB)
Title: “Preservation of Hadean geochemical signatures in the Icelandic high 3He/4He mantle domain.” EAR-1624840
Agency: NSF-EAR (Petrology and Geochemistry); Period: 07/01/16 to 06/31/19
Lead-PI: M. Jackson
7. Amount: $524,244 (UCSB)
Title: “MRI: Acquisition of a Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometer (TIMS) for high-precision isotopic research of the Earth’s mantle, crust and oceans.” EAR-1429648
Agency: NSF-EAR (MRI); Period: 08/01/14 to 07/31/17
Lead-PI: M. Jackson, Co-PI’s: J. Cottle, B. Hacker, M. Rioux, S. Weldeab
6. Amount: $111,566 (Jackson lab award at UCSB); $206,590 (total grant award)
Title: “Collaborative Research: Using sulfur isotopes to identify subducted Archean crust in modern oceanic hotspot lavas.” EAR-1348082.
Agency: NSF-EAR; Period: 02/01/14 to 12/31/15
Lead-PI: M. Jackson, Co-PI: James Farquhar (U. Maryland College Park)
5. Amount: $37,702 (Jackson lab award at UCSB); $395,753 (total grant award)
Title: “Collaborative Research: The role of oxygen fugacity in calc-alkaline differentiation and the creation of continental crust at the Aleutian arc.” EAR-1347377.
Agency: NSF-OCE; Period: 08/01/14-07/31/17
Lead-PI: K. Kelley (URI), Co-PI's: L. Cottrell (Smithsonian), M. Jackson
4. Amount: $200,815 (Jackson lab award at Boston U.); $698,809 (total grant award)
Title: “Collaborative Research: Using the Rurutu hotspot to evaluate mantle motion and absolute plate motion models.”OCE-1153894
Agency: NSF-OCE (Marine Geology and Geophysics); Period: 07/01/12 – 06/30/14
Lead-PI: J. Konter (UH Manoa), Co-PI's: M. Jackson, A.A.P. Koppers (Oregon State University)
3. Amount: $199,703 (Jackson lab award at Boston U.)
Title: “Isotopic diversity in Mangaia melt inclusions: Mantle source or crustal assimilation?” EAR-1145202.
Agency: NSF-EAR (Petrology and Geochemistry); Period: 02/01/12-12/31/14
Lead-PI: M. Jackson
2. Amount: $220,000 (Jackson lab award at Boston U.)
Title: “Constraining mantle flow between Samoa and the northern Lau and N. Fiji Basins with geochemistry and geodynamics.” OCE-1061134
Agency: NSF-OCE (Marine Geology and Geophysics); Period: 01/01/11 - 3/31/14
Lead-PI: M. Jackson, Co-PI: P. Hall
1. Amount: $140,000 (award at Boston U.)
Title: “Facility Support: Phase Two of a NSF/Boston University partnership ensuring long-term technician support for the BU TIMS Facility (technician support).” EAR-0949390
Agency: NSF (Instrumentation and Facilities); Period: 06/01/10 - 05/31/12
Lead-PI: E. Baxter, Co-PI's: M. Jackson, A. Kurtz, R. Murray