Summary of publications: Nature (N = 10 publications), Science (N = 3), PNAS (N = 2 reviewed + 1 unreviewed Commentary), Nature Geoscience (N = 4), Nature Communications (N = 2), Nature Rev. Earth & Environment (N = 1), Geology (N = 6), and EPSL (N = 21).
Manuscripts Published/In Press
116. Anderson, O.E., M.G. Jackson, A.S. Pamukçu, E.F. Rose-Koga, V. Le Roux, F. Klein, K.T. Koga, G.A. Gaetani, A.A. Price (2024). Extensive H2O degassing in deeply erupted submarine glasses inferred from Samoan melt inclusions: The EM2 mantle source is damp, not dry. Chem. Geol.
115. Willhite, L.N., R. Arevalo, P. Piccoli, J.C. Lassiter, D. Rand, M.G. Jackson, J.M.D. Day, R.W. Nicklas, M. Locmelis, T.J. Ireland, I.S. Puchtel. Oxygen fugacity of global ocean island basalts. Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst. 25, e2023GC011249.
114. Konrad, K., A. Balbas, V. Finlayson, M.G. Jackson, J. Konter, A.A.P. Koppers, A. Price, B. Steinberger. Four Distinct Pulses of Volcanism Built the Melanesian Border Plateau: Implications for Oceanic Mid-plate Superstructure Formation. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 626, 118549.
113. Konrad, K., M.G. Jackson, B. Steinberger, A. Koppers, A. Balbas, V. Finlayson, J. Konter, A. Price (2024). Toroidal Flow Around the Tonga Slab Moved the Samoan Plume During the Pliocene. Geology.
112. Walker, R.J., A. Mundl-Petermeier, I.S. Puchtel, R.W. Nicklas, J.L. Hellmann, L.M. Echeverría, K.D. Ludwig, K.R. Bermingham, E. Gazel, C.L. Devitre, M.G. Jackson, C. Chauvel (2023). 182W and 187Os constraints on the origin of siderophile isotopic heterogeneity in the mantle. Geochem. Cosmochim. Acta. 363, 15-39.
111. Israel, C., M. Boyet, R. Doucelance, P. Bonnand, B. Dhuime, D. Ionov, H. Moreira, M.G. Jackson, A.V. Golovin (2023). First Ce-Nd isotope measurements of middle and lower continental crust samples support massive lower crust recycling over Earth's history. Lithos 460, 107369.
110. Deng, Z., M. Schiller, M.G. Jackson, M.-A. Millet, L. Pan, K. Nikolajsen, N. Saji, D. Huang, M. Bizzarro. Earth’s evolving geodynamic regime recorded by titanium isotopes. Nature 621, 100-104.
109. Wang, B., F. Moynier, M.G. Jackson, F. Huang, X. Hu, S.A. Halldórsson, W. Dai, G. Devos. Rubidium isotopic fractionation during magmatic processes and the composition of the bulk silicate Earth. Gochem. Cosmochim. Acta.
108. Archer, G.J., G. Budde, E. Worsham, M.G. Jackson, A. Stracke, T. Kleine (2023). Origin of 182W anomalies in ocean island basalts. Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst. 24, e2022GC010688.
107. Herrera, S., W.W. Chadwick, M.G. Jackson, J.G. Konter, L. McCartin, N. Pittoors, E. Bushta, S. Merle (2023). From basalt to biosphere: Early non-vent community succession on the erupting Vailulu’u deep seamount. Front. Mar. Sci. 10:1110062. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2023.1110062
106. Gill, J., E. Todd, K. Hoernle, F. Hauff, A. Price, M.G. Jackson (2022). Breaking Up is Hard to Do: Magmatism During Oceanic Arc Breakup, Subduction Reversal, and Cessation. Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 23, e2022GC010663. https://doi. org/10.1029/2022GC010663
105. Bai, R., M.G. Jackson, F. Huang, F. Moynier, G. Devos, S.A. Halldórsson, L. Lisiecki, H. Yin, Y. Peng, X. Nan (2022). Barium isotopes in ocean island basalts as tracers of mantle processes. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta., 336, 436-447.
104. Jackson, M.G., F.A. Macdonald (2022). Hemispheric geochemical dichotomy of the mantle is a legacy of austral supercontinent assembly and onset of deep continental crust subduction. AGU Advances, 3, e2022AV000664.
103. Halldórsson, S., E. Marshall, A. Caracciolo, S. Matthews, E. Bali, M. Rasmussen, E. Ranta, J.G. Robin, G. Gudfinnsson, O. Sigmarsson, J. Maclennan, M.G. Jackson, M. Whitehouse, H. Jeon, Q. van der Meer, G. Mibei, M. Kalliokoski, M. Repczynska, R. Rúnarsdóttir, G. Sigurðsson, M. Pfeffer, S. Scott, R. Kjartansdóttir, B. Kleine, C. Oppenheimer, A. Aiuppa, E. Ilyinskaya, M. Bitetto, G. Giudice, A. Stefánsson (2022). Rapid shifting of a deep magmatic source at Fagradalsfjall volcano, Iceland. Nature, 609, 529-534.
102. Rasmussen, M.B., S.A. Halldórsson, M.G. Jackson, I.N. Bindeman, M.J. Whitehouse (2022). Helium and oxygen isotopic variations in the Iceland plume source controlled by entrainment of recycled oceanic lithosphere. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 594, 117691.
101. Harðardóttir*, S., S. Matthews, S.A. Halldórsson, M.G. Jackson (2022). Spatial distribution and geochemical characterization of Icelandic mantle end-members: implications for plume geometry and melting processes. Chem. Geol., 604, 120930.
100. Nicklas, R.W., R.K.M. Hahn, L.N. Willhite, M.G. Jackson, Z. Vittorio, R. Arevalo, J.M.D. Day (2022). Oxidized mantle sources for HIMU and EM-type ocean island basalts. Chem. Geol., 602, 120901.
99. Price, A.A.*, M.G. Jackson, J. Blichert-Toft, K. Konrad, M. Bizimis, A.A.P. Koppers, J.G. Konter, V.A. Finlayson, J.M. Sinton (2022). Distinguishing volcanic contributions to the overlapping Samoan and Cook-Austral hotspot tracks. J. Pet., 63, 1-25.
98. Ranta, E., J. Gunnarsson-Robin, S.A. Halldórsson, S. Ono, G. Izon, M.G. Jackson, C.D.J. Reekie, F.E. Jenner, G.H. Guðfinnsson, Ó.P. Jónsson, A. Stefánsson (2022). Ancient and recycled sulfur sampled by the Iceland mantle plume. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 584, 117452.
97. Bao, X., C. Lithgow-Bertelloni, M.G. Jackson, B. Romanowicz (2022). On the relative temperatures of earth's volcanic hotspots and mid-ocean ridges. Science, 375, 57-61.
96. Moynier, F., M.G. Jackson, K. Zhang, H. Cai, S. Halldórsson, R. Pik, J. Day, J. Chen (2021). The mercury isotopic composition of Earth's mantle and the use of mass independently fractionated Hg to test for recycled crust. Geophys. Res. Lett. 48. e2021GL094301.
95. Gaschnig, R., C. Reinhard, N. Planavsky, X. Wang, D. Asael, M.G. Jackson (2021). The impact of primary processes and secondary alteration on the stable isotope composition of ocean island basalts. Chem. Geol., 581, 120416.
94. Dottin, J.W. III, J. Labidi, M.G. Jackson, J. Farquhar (2021). Sulfur isotope evidence for a geochemical zonation of the Samoan mantle plume. Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst. 22, e2021GC009816.
93. Byerly***, B., M.G. Jackson, M. Bizimis (2021). Carbonatite versus silicate melt metasomatism impacts grain scale 87Sr/86Sr and 143Nd/144Nd heterogeneity in Polynesian mantle peridotite xenoliths. Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 22, e2021GC009749.
92. Koppers, A.A.P., T.B. Becker, M.G. Jackson, K. Konrad, R.D. Muller, B. Romanowicz, B. Steinberger, J. Whittaker (2021). Mantle Plumes and their role in Earth Processes. Nature Reviews Earth & Environment.
91. Anderson, O.E.*, M.G. Jackson, E.F. Rose-Koga, J.P. Marske, M.E. Peterson, A.A. Price, B.L. Byerly (2021). Testing the recycled gabbro hypothesis for the origin of "Ghost Plagioclase" melt signatures using 87Sr/86Sr of individual olivine-hosted melt inclusions from Hawai'i. Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst. 22.
90. Adams, J.V.*, F. Spera, M.G. Jackson (2021). Trachytic melt inclusions hosted in clinopyroxene offer a glimpse into Samoan EM2-endmember melts. Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst. 22.
89. Adams, J.V.*, M.G. Jackson, F.J. Spera, A.A. Price, B. Byerly, G. Seward, J.M. Cottle (2021). Extreme isotopic heterogeneity in Samoan clinopyroxenes helps constrain sediment recycling. Nature Comm. 12.
88. Jackson, M.G., T.W. Becker, B. Steinberger (2021). Spatial characteristics of recycled and primordial reservoirs in the deep mantle. Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst. 22.
87. Buff, L., M.G. Jackson, J.G. Konter, M. Bizimis, A. Price, E. Rose-Koga, J. Blusztajn, K. Konrad, A. Koppers, S. Herrera (2021). "Missing links" for the long-lived Macdonald and Arago hotspots. Geology 49, 541-544.
86. Soderman, C., S. Matthews, O. Shorttle, M.G. Jackson, S. Ruttor, O. Nebel, S. Turner, C. Beier, M.A. Millet, E. Widom, H.M. Williams (2021). Heavy 57Fe in ocean island basalts: implications for processes and source lithologies in the mantle. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 292, 309-332.
85. Giuliani, A., M.G. Jackson, A. Fitzpayne, H. Dalton (2020). Remnants of early Earth differentiation in the deepest mantle-derived lavas. PNAS 118.
84. Jackson, M.G., J. Blichert-Toft, S.A. Halldórsson, A. Mundl-Petermeier, M. Bizimis, M.D., Kurz, A.A. Price, S. Harðardóttir*, L.N. Willhite*, K. Breddam, T.W. Becker, R.A. Fischer (2020). Ancient He and W isotopic signatures preserved in mantle domains least modified by crustal recycling. PNAS 117, 30993-31001
83. Dottin, J.W. III, J. Labidi, M.G. Jackson, J. Farquhar, J. Woodhead (2020). Bulk sulfur isotope characterization of HIMU mantle feeding the Mangaia mantle plume: Evidence for multiple recycled sulfur reservoirs. Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst. 21.
82. Moynier, F., J. Chen, K. Zhang, H. Cai, Z. Wang, M.G. Jackson, J. Day (2020). Chondritic mercury isotopic compositions of Earth and evidence for evaporative equilibrium degassing during formation of eucrites. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 551.
81. Jackson, M.G., S.A. Halldórsson, A. Price, M.D. Kurz, J.G. Konter, A.A.P. Koppers, J.M.D. Day (2020). Contrasting old and young volcanism from Aitutaki, Cook Islands: Implications for a hotspot origin. J. Pet. 61.
80. Ashley, A.W., M. Bizimis, A.H. Peslier, M.G. Jackson, J. Konter (2020). Metasomatism and hydration of the oceanic lithosphere: A case study of peridotite xenoliths from Samoa. J. Pet. 61.
79. Dottin, J.W. III, J. Labidi, V. Lekic, M.G. Jackson, J. Farquhar (2020). Sulfur isotope characterization of primordial and recycled sources feeding the Samoan mantle plume. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 534, 116073.
78. Mundl-Petermeier, A., R.J. Walker, R.A. Fischer, V. Lekic, M.G. Jackson, M.D. Kurz (2020). Anomalous 182W in high 3He/4He ocean island basalts: fingerprints of Earth’s core? Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 271, 194–211.
77. Snortum, E., J.M.D. Day, M.G. Jackson (2019). Pacific lithosphere evolution inferred from Aitutaki mantle xenoliths. J. Petrology., v. 60, 1753–1772.
76. Willhite, L.N.*, M.G. Jackson, J. Blichert-Toft, I. Bindeman, M.D. Kurz, S.A. Halldórsson, S. Harðardóttir, E. Gazel, A.A. Price, B.L. Byerly (2019). Hot and heterogenous high-3He/4He components: New constraints from proto-Iceland plume lavas from Baffin Island. Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst. 20, 5939-5967. 10.1029/2019GC008654
75. Mundl-Petermeier, A., R.J. Walker, M.G. Jackson, J. Blichert-Toft, M.D. Kurz, S.A. Halldórsson (2019). Temporal evolution of primordial tungsten-182 and 3He/4He signatures in the Iceland mantle plume. Chem. Geol. 525, 245-259.
74. Inglis, E., F. Moynier, J. Creech, Z. Deng, J. Day, F.-Z. Teng, M. Bizzarro, M.G. Jackson, P. Savage (2019). Isotopic fractionation of zirconium during magmatic differentiation and the stable isotope composition of the silicate Earth. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 250, 311-323.
73. Reinhard, A.A.*, M.G. Jackson, J. Blusztajn, A.A.P. Koppers, A.R. Simms, J.G. Konter (2019). ‘Petit Spot’ rejuvenated volcanism superimposed on plume-derived Samoan shield volcanoes: Evidence from a 645 meter drill core from Tutuila Island, American Samoa. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems (G-cubed) 20.
72. Edwards, M.A.*, M.G. Jackson, A.R.C. Kylander-Clark, J. Harvey, G.A. Hagen-Peter, G.G.E. Seward, C.B. Till, J.V. Adams, J.M. Cottle, B.R. Hacker, F.J. Spera (2019). Extreme enriched and heterogeneous 87Sr/86Sr ratios recorded in magmatic plagioclase from the Samoan hotspot. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 511, 190-201.
71. Konter, J.G., V.A. Finlayson, J. Engel, M.G. Jackson, A.A.P. Koppers, S. Sharma (2019). Shipboard characterization of Tuvalu, Samoa, and Lau dredge samples using Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS). Appl Spectrosc 330. 000370281983079. doi:10.1177/0003702819830793
70. Horton, F., K. Farley, M.G. Jackson (2018). Helium distributions in ocean island basalt olivine phenocrysts revealed by X-ray computed tomography and single-grain crushing experiments. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta. 224, 467-477.
69. Jackson, M.G., T.W. Becker, J.G. Konter (2018). Geochemistry and distribution of recycled domains in the mantle inferred from Nd and Pb isotopes in oceanic hotspots: implications for storage in the large low shear wave velocity provinces (LLSVPs). Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst. 19 doi:10.1029/2018GC007552
68. Reinhard, A.A.*, M.G. Jackson, J.M. Koornneef, E.F. Rose-Koga, J. Blusztajn, J.G. Konter, K.T. Koga, P.J. Wallace, J. Harvey (2018). Analyses of Sr and Nd isotopes in individual olivine-hosted melt inclusions from Hawaii and Samoa: implications for the origin of isotopic heterogeneity in melt inclusions from OIB lavas. Chem. Geol. 495, 36-49.
67. Finlayson, V., J.G. Konter, K. Konrad, A.A.P. Koppers, M.G. Jackson, T.O. Rooney (2018). Sr–Pb–Nd–Hf isotopes and 40Ar/39Ar ages reveal a Hawaii–Emperor-style bend in the Rurutu hotspot. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 500, 168–179.
66. Putirka, K., Y. Tao, K.R. Hari, M. Perfit, M.G. Jackson, R. Arevalo Jr (2018). The mantle source of thermal plumes: trace and minor elements in olivine and major oxides of primitive liquids (and why the olivine compositions don't matter). American Mineralogist 103, 1253-1270.
65. Zhang, G.-L., Q. Luo, J. Zhao, M.G. Jackson, L.-S. G., L.-F. Zhong (2018). Geochemical nature of sub-ridge mantle and opening dynamics of the South China Sea. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 489, 145-155.
64. Konrad, K., A.A.P. Koppers, B. Steinberger, V. Finlayson, J. Konter, M.G. Jackson (2018). On the relative motions of long-lived Pacific mantle plumes. Nature Communications 9. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-03277-x
63. Sigwart, J.D., M.K. Wicksten, M.G. Jackson, S. Herrera (2018). Deep-sea video technology tracks a monoplacophoran to the end of its trail (Mollusca, Tryblidia). Marine Biodiversity.
62. Jackson, M.G., T. Becker, J.G. Konter (2018). Evidence for a deep mantle source for EM and HIMU domains from integrated geochemical and geophysical constraints. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 484, 1-14.
61. Horan, M.F., R.W. Carlson, R.J. Walker, M.G. Jackson, M. Garçon, M. Norman (2018). Tracking Hadean processes in modern basalts. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 484, 184-191.
60. Rose-Koga, E., K.T. Koga, M. Moreira, I. Vlastélic, M.G. Jackson, M.J. Whitehouse, N. Shimizu, N. Habib (2017). Geochemical systematics of Pb isotopes, fluorine, and sulfur in melt inclusions from São Miguel, Azores. Chem. Geol. 458, 22-37.
59. Mundl, A., M. Touboul, M.G. Jackson, J.M.D. Day, M.D. Kurz, V. Lekic, R.T. Helz, R.J. Walker (2017). Tungsten-182 heterogeneity in modern ocean island basalts. Science. 356, 66-69.
58. Jackson, M.G., A.A. Price*, J. Blichert-Toft, M.D. Kurz, A. Reinhard* (2017). Geochemistry of lavas from the Caroline hotspot, Micronesia: Evidence for primitive and recycled components in the mantle sources of lavas with moderately elevated 3He/4He. Chem. Geol. 455, 385-400.
57. Price, A.A.*, M.G. Jackson, J. Blichert-Toft, M.D. Kurz, J. Gill, J. Blusztajn, F. Jenner, R. Brens, R. Arculus (2017). Geodynamic implications for zonal and meridional isotopic patterns across the northern Lau and North Fiji Basins. Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst. 18. doi: 10.1002/2016GC006651
56. Kendrick, M.A., C. Hemond, V.S. Kamenetsky, L. Danyushevsky, C. Devey, T. Rodemann, M.G. Jackson, M.R. Perfit (2017). Seawater cycled throughout Earth’s mantle in partially serpentinized lithosphere. Nature Geoscience 10, 222–228. doi:10.1038/ngeo2902
55. Zhang, G., L.-H. Chen, M.G. Jackson, A.W. Hofmann (2017). Evolution of carbonated melt to alkali basalt in the South China Sea. Nature Geoscience 10, 229–235. doi:10.1038/ngeo2877
54. Jackson, M.G., J.G. Konter, T.W. Becker (2017). Primordial helium entrained by the hottest mantle plumes. Nature 542, 340–343. doi:10.1038/nature21023
53. Jackson, M.G. (2016). Ocean island basalts. In Encyclopedia of Geochemistry, Ed. W. White. Springer International Publishing, Switzerland. pp 1-5. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-39193-9_248-1
52. Konter, J.G., A.J. Pietruszka, B.B. Hanan, V. Finlayson, P.R. Craddock, M.G. Jackson, N. Dauphas (2016). Unusual δ56Fe values in Samoan rejuvenated lavas generated in the mantle. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 450, 221-232.
51. Pringle, E.A., F. Moynier, P.S. Savage, M.G. Jackson, M. Moreira, and J.M.D. Day (2016). Silicon isotopes reveal recycled altered oceanic crust in the mantle sources of ocean island basalts. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta. 189, 282–295.
50. Reinhard*, A., M.G. Jackson, J. Harvey, C. Brown**, J.M. Koornneef (2016). Extreme differences in 87Sr/86Sr between magmatic olivines and Samoan host lavas: Evidence for highly heterogeneous 87Sr/86Sr in the magmatic plumbing system sourcing a single lava. Chem. Geol. 439, 120-131.
49. Rizo, H., R.J. Walker, R.W. Carlson, M. Horan, S. Mukhopadhyay, V. Manthos, D. Francis, M.G. Jackson (2016). Preservation of Earth-forming events in the tungsten isotopic composition of modern flood basalts. Science 352, 809-812.
48. Jackson, M.G., S. Shirey, E. Hauri, M. Kurz, H. Rizo (2016). Peridotite xenoliths from the Polynesian Austral and Samoa hotspots: Implications for the destruction of ancient 187Os and 142Nd isotopic domains and the preservation of Hadean 129Xe in the modern mantle. Geochem. Cosmochim. Acta 185, 21-43. doi:10.1016/j.gca.2016.02.011
47. Price, A.A.*, M.G. Jackson, J. Blichert-Toft, J. Blusztajn, C.S. Conatser, J.G. Konter, A.A.P. Koppers, M.D. Kurz (2016). Geochemical evidence in the Northeast Lau Basin for subduction of the Cook-Austral volcanic chain in the Tonga Trench. Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst. 17. doi:10.1002/2015GC006237.
46. Starkey, N., C. Jackson, R.C. Greenwood, S. Parman, I.A. Franchi, M.G. Jackson, J.G. Fitton, F.M. Stuart, M. Kurz, L.M. Larsen (2016). Triple oxygen isotopic composition of the high-3He/4He mantle. Geochem. Cosmochim. Acta 176, 227–238.
45. Miao, M.-S., X. Wang, J. Brgoch, F. Spera, M.G. Jackson, G. Kresse, H. Lin (2015). Anionic chemistry of noble gases: formation of Mg-NG (NG = Xe, Kr, Ar) compounds under pressure. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 137, 14122–14128.
44. Garapic, G.***, A. Mallik, R. Dasgupta, M.G. Jackson (2015). Oceanic lavas sampling the high 3He/4He mantle reservoir: Primitive, depleted, or re-enriched? American Mineralogist 100, 2066–2081.
43. Jackson, M.G., K.T. Koga, A. Price*, J.G. Konter, A.A.P. Koppers, V.A. Finlayson, K. Konrad, E.H. Hauri, A. Kylander-Clark, K.A. Kelley, M.A. Kendrick (2015). Deeply-dredged submarine HIMU glasses from the Tuvalu Islands, Polynesia: Implications for volatile budgets of recycled oceanic crust. Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst. 16. DOI: 10.1002/2015GC005966
42. Jackson, M.G., R.A. Cabral*, E.F. Rose-Koga, K.T. Koga, A. Price*, E.H. Hauri, P. Michael (2015). Ultra-depleted melts in olivine-hosted melt inclusions from the Ontong Java Plateau. Chem. Geol. 414, 124-137.
41. Jellinek, A.M., M.G. Jackson (2015). Connections between the bulk composition, geodynamics and habitability of the Earth. Nature Geoscience 8, 587–593 [INVITED PERSPECTIVE ARTICLE]
40. Garapic, G.***, M.G. Jackson, E.H. Hauri, S.R. Hart, K.A. Farley, J.S. Blusztajn, J.D. Woodhead (2015). A radiogenic isotopic (He-Sr-Nd-Pb-Os) study of lavas from the Pitcairn hotspot: Implications for the origin of EM-1 (enriched mantle 1). Lithos 228–229, 1–11.
39. Labidi, J., P. Cartigny, M.G. Jackson (2015). Multiple sulfur isotope composition of oxidized Samoan melts and the implications of a sulfur isotope 'mantle array' in chemical geodynamics. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 417, 28-39.
38. Kendrick, M.A., M.G. Jackson, E.H. Hauri, D. Phillips (2015). The halogen (F, Cl, Br, I) and H2O systematics of Samoan lavas: assimilated-seawater, EM2 and high-3He/4He components. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 410, 197-209.
37. Cabral, R.A.*, M.G. Jackson, K.T. Koga, E.F. Rose-Koga, E.H. Hauri, M.J. Whitehouse, A.A. Price*, J.M.D. Day, N. Shimizu, K.A. Kelley (2014). Volatile cycling of H2O, CO2, F, and Cl in the HIMU mantle: A new window provided by melt inclusions from oceanic hotspot lavas at Mangaia, Cook Islands. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 15. DOI: 10.1002/2014GC005473
36. Jackson, M.G., S.R. Hart, J.G. Konter, M.D. Kurz, J. Blusztajn, K. Farley (2014). Helium and lead isotopes reveal the geochemical geometry of the Samoan plume. Nature 514, 355-358.
35. Harpp, K.S., P.S. Hall, M.G. Jackson (2014). The Galápagos and Easter: A Tale of Two Hotspots, in The Galápagos: A Natural Laboratory for the Earth Sciences. Editors: K. Harpp, E. Mittelstaedt, D. Graham, N. d’Ozouville, Geophysical Monograph Series 204, p 27-40, American Geophysical Union, Washington, DC. doi: 10.1002/9781118852538.ch3
34. Hart, S.R., M.G. Jackson (2014). Evolution of Ta’u and Ofu/Olosega Volcanoes – The “Twin Sisters” of Samoa, Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst. 15. doi: 10.1002/2013GC00522
33. Herzberg, C., R.A. Cabral*, M.G. Jackson, C. Vidito, J.M.D. Day, E.H. Hauri (2014). Phantom Archean crust in Mangaia hotspot lavas and the meaning of heterogeneous mantle. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 396, 97-106.
32. Jackson, C., L. Zeigler, H. Zhang, M.G. Jackson, D.R. Stegman (2014). A geochemical evaluation of potential magma ocean dynamics using a parameterized model for perovskite crystallization. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett 392, 154-165.
31. Pringle, E.A., P.S. Savage, M.G. Jackson, J.A. Barrat, F. Moynier (2014). Si isotope homogeneity of the solar nebula. Astrophys. J. 779. doi:10.1088/0004-637X/779/2/123.
30. Kendrick, M.A., M.G. Jackson, A. Kent, E. Hauri, P. Wallace, J. Woodhead (2014). Contrasting behaviours of CO2, S, H2O and halogens (F, Cl, Br and I) in the enriched-mantle melts from the Pitcairn and Society seamounts. Chem. Geol. 370, 69-81.
29. Price, A.A.*, M.G. Jackson, J. Blichert-Toft, P.S. Hall, J.M. Sinton, M.D. Kurz, J. Blusztajn (2014). Evidence for a broadly distributed Samoan-plume signature in the northern Lau and North Fiji Basins. Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst. 15. doi: 10.1002/2013GC005061
28. Jackson, M.G., A.M. Jellinek (2013). Major and trace element composition of the high 3He/4He mantle: Implications for the composition of the bulk silicate Earth. Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst. 14. doi: 10.1002/ggge.20188
27. Cabral, R.A.*, M.G. Jackson, E.F. Rose-Koga, K.T. Koga, M.J. Whitehouse, M.A. Antonelli, J. Farquhar, J.M.D. Day, E.H. Hauri (2013). Anomalous sulphur isotopes in plume lavas reveal deep mantle storage of Archaean crust. Nature 496, 490-493.
26. Herzberg, C., P. Asimow, D. Ionov, C. Vidito, M.G. Jackson, D. Geist (2013). Nickel and helium evidence for melt above the core–mantle boundary. Nature, 493, 393-397.
25. Payne**, J.A., M.G. Jackson, P.S. Hall (2013). Parallel volcano trends and geochemical asymmetry of the Society Islands hotspot track. Geology 41, 19-22.
24. Jackson, M.G., D. Weis, S. Huang (2012). Major element variations in Hawaiian shield lavas: Source features and perspectives from global ocean island basalt (OIB) systematics. Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst. (G-cubed) 13, doi:10.1029/2012GC004268.
23. Jackson, M.G., R.W. Carlson (2012). Homogeneous superchondritic 142Nd/144Nd in the mid-ocean ridge basalt and ocean island basalt mantle. Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst. (G-cubed) 13, doi:10.1029/2012GC004114.
22. Konter, J.G., M.G. Jackson (2012). Large volumes of rejuvenated volcanism in Samoa: Evidence supporting a tectonic influence on late-stage volcanism. Geochem., Geophys., Geosyst. (G-cubed) 13, doi:10.1029/2011GC003974.
21. Jackson, M.G., S. Shirey (2011). Re-Os systematics in Samoan shield lavas and the use of Os-isotopes in olivine phenocrysts to determine primary magmatic compositions. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 312, 91-101.
20. Huang, S., P.S. Hall, M.G. Jackson (2011). Geochemical zoning of volcanic chains associated with Pacific hotspots. Nature Geoscience 4, 874-878.
19. Jackson, M.G., R. Carlson (2011). An ancient recipe for flood basalt genesis. Nature 476, 316–319.
18. Koppers, A.A.P., J.A. Russell, J. Roberts, M.G. Jackson, J. Konter, D. J. Wright, H. Staudigel, S.R. Hart (2011). Age systematics of two young en echelon Samoan volcanic trails. Geochem. Geophys. Geosys. (G-cubed) 12, doi:10.1029/2010GC003438.
17. Jackson, M.G., S.R. Hart, J.G. Konter, A.A.P. Koppers, H. Staudigel, M.D. Kurz, J. Blusztajn, J.M. Sinton (2010). The Samoan hotspot track on a “hotspot highway”: Implications for mantle plumes and a deep Samoan mantle source. Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst. (G-cubed) 11, doi:10.1029/2010GC003232.
16. Jackson, M.G., R. Carlson, M.D. Kurz, P.D. Kempton, D. Francis, J. Blusztajn (2010). Evidence for the survival of the oldest terrestrial mantle reservoir. Nature 466, 853-856.
15. Dasgupta, R., M.G. Jackson, C.-T.A. Lee (2010). Major element chemistry of ocean island basalts - conditions of mantle melting and heterogeneity of mantle source. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 289, 377-392.
14. Jackson, M.G., M.D. Kurz, S.R. Hart (2009). Helium and neon isotopes in phenocrysts from Samoan lavas: Evidence for heterogeneity in the terrestrial high 3He/4He mantle. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 287, 519-528.
13. Jackson, M.G., S.R. Hart, N. Shimizu, J. Blusztajn (2009). The 87Sr/86Sr and 143Nd/144Nd disequilibrium between Polynesian hot spot lavas and the clinopyroxenes they host: Evidence complementing isotopic disequilibrium in melt inclusions. Geochem. Geophys. Geosys. (G-cubed) 10, Q03006, doi:10.1029/2008GC002324
12. Jackson, M.G., R. Dasgupta (2008). Compositions of HIMU, EM1, and EM2 from global trends between radiogenic isotopes and major elements in ocean island basalts. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 276, 175-186.
11. Workman, R.K., S.R. Hart, J.M. Eiler, M.G. Jackson (2008), Oxygen isotopes in Samoan lavas: confirmation of continent recycling. Geology 36, 551-554.
10. Koppers, A.A.P., J.A. Russell, M.G. Jackson, J. Konter, H. Staudigel and S.R. Hart (2008). Samoa reinstated as a primary hotspot trail. Geology 36, 435-438.
9. Jackson, M.G., S.R. Hart, A.E. Saal, N. Shimizu, M.D. Kurz, J. Blusztajn, A. Skovgaard (2008). Globally elevated titanium, tantalum, and niobium (TITAN) in ocean island basalts with high 3He/4He. Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst. (G-cubed) 9, doi:10.1029/2007GC001876.
8. Jackson, M.G., S.R. Hart, A.A.P. Koppers, H. Staudigel, J. Konter, J. Blusztajn, M.D. Kurz, J.A. Russell (2007). The return of subducted continental crust in Samoan lavas. Nature 448, 684-687.
7. Jackson, M.G., M.D. Kurz, S.R. Hart, R.K. Workman (2007). New Samoan lavas from Ofu Island reveal a hemispherically heterogeneous high 3He/4He mantle. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 264, 360–374.
6. Courtier, A.M., M.G. Jackson, J.F. Lawrence, Z. Wang, C.-T.A. Lee, R. Halama, J.M. Warren, R. Workman, W. Xu, M.M. Hirschmann, A.M. Larson, S.R. Hart, C. Lithgow-Bertelloni, L. Stixrude, W.-P. Chen (2007). Correlation of seismic and petrologic thermometers suggests deep thermal anomalies beneath hotspots. Earth. Planet. Sci. Lett. 264, 308–316.
5. Putirka, K.D., M. Perfit., F.J. Ryerson, M.G. Jackson (2007). Ambient and excess mantle temperatures, olivine thermometry, and active vs. passive upwelling. Chem. Geol. 241, 177-206.
4. Jackson, M.G., S.R. Hart (2006). Strontium isotopes in melt inclusions from Samoan basalts: Implications for heterogeneity in the Samoan plume. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 245, 260-277.
3. Jackson, M.G., N. Oskarsson, R.G. Trønnes, J.F. McManus, D.W. Oppo, K. Grönvold, S.R. Hart, J.P. Sachs (2005). Holocene loess deposition in Iceland: Evidence for millennial-scale atmosphere-ocean coupling in the North Atlantic. Geology 33, 509-512.
2. Workman, R.K., S.R. Hart, M.G. Jackson, M. Regelous, K.A. Farley, J. Blusztajn, M. Kurz (2004). Recycled metasomatised lithosphere as the origin of the Enriched Mantle II (EM2) end-member: Evidence from the Samoan Volcanic Chain. Geochem. Geophys. Geosys. (G-cubed), 5, doi:10.1029/2003GC000623.
1. Hart, S.R., H. Staudigel, A.A.P. Koppers, J. Blusztajn, E.T. Baker, R. Workman, M.G. Jackson, E. Hauri, M. Kurz, K. Sims, D. Fornari, A. Saal, S. Lyons (2001). Vailulu’u undersea volcano: The new Samoa. Geochem. Geophys. Geosys. (G-cubed), 1, doi:10.1029/2000GC000108.
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